Well actually she does, she writes for the Everyday Maternity Newsletter, and she is in the process of writing an article on back pain during pregnancy, as this ties in with the addition of the Babybelt on Everyday Maternity.
I'll post the full article later, but in the meantime, here is the press information from Anita Maternity.
During your pregnancy your tummy will expand to make room for a growing baby. Your tummy gains in both weight and circumference and as a general rule, you can expect to gain between 10 and 14 kilos in weight. According to the University Hospital in Frankfurt/Main, many women suffer from various complaints as a result.
Many women rely on Pregnancy Support Bands to help relieve the pain, and we have recently added the Anita Baby Belt to the range.
The Anita BabyBelt is based on the Anita support principle, the following improvements were noted in tests where pregnant women complained of back ache during pregnancy:
- In 82% back pain eased
- In 93% the feelings of pressure and tension were relieved in the abdominal/pelvic region
- In 93% the aching pains in the pelvic area lessened.
Look out for our newsletter coming soon with an article on back pain during pregnancy, and ways to combat it.
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