Friday, June 5, 2009

With the recent outbreak of swine flu, you may be worried about it and the effects it can have on you and your unborn baby. We’ve put together a fact sheet with some links on where to get advice.

The best source of information is the NHS website - take a look at the Swine Flu Information/Pregnancy section.

The Government’s own website has a special Swine Flu Prevention and Treatment section

It has been reported, that unlike normal flu strains that seem to strike the older population swine flu is more prevalent among the middle aged, so you should use precautions to avoid all illness when you’re pregnant.

Take note of the campaign catch-phrase:


This means covering your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, using a tissue. Throw the tissue away quickly and carefully, and wash your hands regularly with soap and water. Take extra precautions by cleaning hard surfaces (like door handles and remote controls) frequently with a normal cleaning product.

You should wash your hands and avoid sick people.

If you think that you’re sick, then take care of yourself. Put your feet up and rest and relax, and talk to your regular doctor as well as your midwife. They may recommend that you be treated with pregnancy class medications.

While you have your feet up take the chance to do some online maternity wear shopping – that way you will avoid the crowds!

The NHS website answers the following specific questions:

* Does swine flu pose special risks in pregnant women?
* Can I take antiviral drugs if I am pregnant?
* Will pregnant women get preference for a swine flu vaccine?
* Should I stop breastfeeding if I need to take antiviral drugs?

If having read the information on breastfeeding and your require a manual breast pump, visit for information.

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