Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Breastfeeding Tips

About Breastfeeding

At Everyday Maternity we look for new products to enhance pregnant women's and breastfeeding mum's experiences. We have recently added Lansinoh products to our range. Breastfeeding is one of the greatest gifts you can give your baby. However, as when learning any new skill, support and information are often needed, and welcomed. Lansinoh's aim is to provide support and encouragement to breastfeeding mothers.

Here are some tips from Lansinoh to help.

Find a comfortable position

Proper positioning of both mother and baby and in particular the attachment of baby to the breast is important, as this can help prevent sore nipples and insufficient milk supply. Most mothers get comfortable by either sitting up or lying in bed, or sitting in an armchair, sofa or rocking chair. Many mothers find creating a flat lap helps in the early days, either by elevating the feet or sitting on a pillow. Some mothers raise their babies to breast height, others use the natural nurturing approach of holding their babies diagonally across their bodies. The most common breastfeeding positions are across the lap and with the baby’s feet out behind the mother.

Across lap-cradle hold – The baby’s head will rest in the crook of your elbow or on your forearm with her whole body facing you, and will be supported with the same arm beneath her back and your hand on the baby’s thigh or bottom.

Cross-cradle hold – The baby is supported at breast height by the opposite arm to the breast being offered. Your elbow is on the baby's bottom with your forearm along his back. Your palm is on his upper back, fingers and thumb either side of the neck. Your forefinger supports the base of his head under the ear.

Feet out behind - rugby hold or clutch position
– The baby lies on his side between your side and flexed arm with his feet out behind you. The baby’s shoulders, neck and the base of his head are supported by your hand, allowing your opposite hand to hold the breast if needed.

Regardless of the position, make sure that the baby’s head and body are facing the breast, and help her to come onto the breast chin-first, aiming the nipple to the roof of her mouth when the mouth is open wide. Your baby needs to take a good part of the areola tissue (darker in colour) into her wide, gaping mouth in order to be properly latched on. Proper positioning (where the nipple goes deep into the baby’s mouth and so is protected at the back of the mouth) can ease the pain of sore nipples and help ensure your baby is getting the proper amount of milk.

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